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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Tool Box, Ladder and Lightning: the 3 S’s of the Co-Creator Series

Tool Box, Ladder and Lightning: the 3 S’s of the Co-Creator Series

I’m a total believer that when an achievable idea clicks, it happens quickly and effortlessly (at least at the beginning) and then it sticks. It’s as if the tick-tock of the inner clock finally strikes at the moment of some timed conception. It’s as if it was pre-designed, pre-orchestrated, pre-choreographed in the waiting room ofContinue Reading

Rite of Passage for the Creative

Rite of Passage for the Creative

“In the creative state a man is taken out of himself. He lets down as it were a bucket into his subconscious, and draws up something which is normally beyond his reach. He mixes this thing with his normal experiences and out of the mixture he makes a work of art.” — E.M. Forster TheContinue Reading

Lhasa de Sela: A Bid farewell

Lhasa de Sela: A Bid farewell

“Then I’ll die three times and be born again in a little box with a golden key and a flying fish will set me free” –by Lhasa de Sela I think it was professor of mine that once said that performing artists are like athletes of the heart. In their ability to relinquish their ego andContinue Reading

2000 Zen: Stepping on the Tight Rope

2000 Zen: Stepping on the Tight Rope

“If I die, what a beautiful death in the exercise of your passion”–Philip Petit I heard a story once about a French man who in the 1970′s walked across a tight rope that connected the Twin Towers. In mid air, an audience of New Yorkers gasped as he balanced back and forth. Somewhere in myContinue Reading