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Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Art of Physics and Beethoven

The Art of Physics and Beethoven

Energy can be neither created, nor destroyed. It can only change form. This is a law of energy conservation and also a premise for creative activity. It could help to explain the energy it takes to create a product from one’s imagination, as well as the challenges artists overcome, to direct energy toward their artisticContinue Reading

Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road’s Message about Creativity and Children

Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road’s Message about Creativity and Children

I am a ponderer. I’ll write something and I am mulling over things for weeks later. I discussed in the last blog, and consequently ranted for days later, about the nature of having a message in one’s art work. Does it give more sound to the painted colors on canvas? Does it give more textureContinue Reading

Albert Einstein, Robert Wilson and Phillip Glass on the Beach by Diana Rivera

Albert Einstein, Robert Wilson and Phillip Glass on the Beach by Diana Rivera

Did you know that Einstein interviewed poets to learn about the nature of intuition and imagination? It was a form of collaboration between artist and scientist (Einstein was in fact a versed violinist who would, in a moment of scientist block, play his violin to help him find an answer to his theories), and isContinue Reading