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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Grieving the Dead Artist by Diana Rivera

Grieving the Dead Artist by Diana Rivera

“So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.” — Willy Wonka (played by Gene Wilder) Art can be immortal so why do artists have to die? With Gene Wilder’s recent death, I am asking myself, how do we let go of artists that have left in us profoundContinue Reading

The Relevant Versus Narcissist Artist: How to Know If You Are a Narcissist Artist? by Diana Rivera

The Relevant Versus Narcissist Artist: How to Know If You Are a Narcissist Artist? by Diana Rivera

People of the digital era, including all those on social media, provide enough substantial evidence to assert that people need to be relevant in the crowd. From photos of latest meals eaten along side Spike Lee to roadside accidents that show proof of what a crumby day you have had to all the forgettable selfies,Continue Reading

Transform Yourself into an Empowered Artist by Diana Rivera

Transform Yourself into an Empowered Artist by Diana Rivera

Time-and-time again, society exalts the artist, yet simultaneously belittles the skills artists bring to the table. For example, many people believe that all children should have access to the arts in education, yet when many refer to prosperous careers, the arts are not included. As a creative specialist, educator and coach, I’ve made the studyContinue Reading